All of Your Meds
Prepackaged for Your Convenience by Date & Time

Pace Pac Makes Life Easier!
At no additional cost to you, your medications can be packaged by dose into convenient and portable packets which are labeled with the date and time they should be taken.
Ask a staff member about our pill-packaging service or call 731-798-5047 today to get started.

Serving the Tennessee Counties Below
- Carroll
- Chester
- Decatur
- Gibson
- Hardin
- Henderson
- Madison
- McNairy
- Perry
- Benton

Specialized Packaging
We'll give you a pretty green box that holds a strip of medication packages with your month's prescriptions, ordered by date and time of day. When it's time to take your medications, simply tear off the next package and confirm the day and time. If you miss a dose, you'll know right away; no more stress or worry about missed medications.

Synchronize Your Medications
Bring in your prescriptions to any Pace Family Pharmacy and we'll have them filled the same day each month.

Free Delivery
We'll deliver your medications right to your door. Before your next order, we'll check in with you to see if you have any medication changes and to confirm you're on schedule with your doses. When needed, we will call your doctor for refills or work with your insurance to make life easier for you.

What Are The Benefits?
- Pace Pac packages all of the patient’s medications into pre-sorted packets that are organized into a single, recyclable container.
- Printed on each pre-sorted packet are the day, date and time of the dose as well as the identification of each tablet contained therein.
- Missed doses, overdoses and doses taken at/on the incorrect time/day are minimized due to the single direction strip packaging offered in Pace Pac.
- Over-the-counter (OTC) medicine and supplements can also be included.
- Empty, “reminder” packets can also be included to remind a patient when to administer inhalers, topicals and injectables.
- New medications prescribed before refill time of all other Pace Pac prescriptions will be partially filled in a bottle to reach the Pace Pac refill date.
- Pace Pac offers providers, and caregivers alike, a more efficient method of tracking the patient’s medication compliance.
- This same packaging allows the patient the convenient option to tear from the strip of packets a smaller number of days supply when traveling away from home.
- The patient receives a monthly call from the pharmacy about a week before prescriptions are filled in order to confirm any recent medication/regimen changes. This phone call also serves to notify the patient regarding the date on which their medications will be refilled and confirms when and where the patient wants it delivered.
- Pace Pac minimizes out of stock short fills by the pharmacy.
- Reminders can be sent to the patient or caretaker via text, prompting for any updates and confirming any changes to the patient’s medications/regimen and notifying when the -Pace Pac container is ready for pick up.

What Are The Costs?
- There is no additional charge for the patient to be a Pace Pac member.
- Pace Pac accepts most major insurance plans, along with Medicare Part D.
- Free delivery to either a place of business or patient’s home is standard with Pace Pac.
- But if the patient or caretaker desires to pick up Pace Pac at the pharmacy, wait time and the numbers of trips to the pharmacy are minimized.